vol1 - Page 30
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21 § 355 _oD AND DRUOS
(C) If a pe_on wants to submit an abbreviated appHcat_or_ for a new drug which
ha8 a different _e_ve ingr_nt or whose route of administa_a,_on, dosage forra_ or
s'Lrength differ from that of a listed drug, such person sha|| _mbmit a pe._tiun to the
Secretary seeking permissicn to file such an applic_tiom The Seezetm'y shsll
approve _r disapprove a petition submitted under this subpa_graph within ninety
days of the date the peti_on _ submitted. The S_e_ary shall approve such a
pc_on unless the Seeze_d fmda--
(D that investJga6oi_ mv_t be ecnductsd to show the s_ffe_ _md effectiveness
of the drug or of any of its active ingredient, the route of adminiswation_ the
dosage forra_ or s_xength whieh differ from the listed drt_g_ or
(lfl} that any drug with a different _tive ingredient may not be adequately
eva_uated for spprova] _ safe and effective on the b_ of the informatlon
• required to be submitted in an abbreviated applie_tiOno
($) Subject m paragruph (4)0 the Secretary shall app_ve an application for a drug
"_m]ess the _ecreta_ fLn_
(A) the methods used in, or the facilities and controls _sed for, the manufac-
ture, processing, and packing of the drug are inadequam to assure and preserve
its identity, strength, quaii_, and purity;
(B) information submitted with the application is ins_ffi_ent to show that
each of the proposed conditions of use have been previo_sly, approved for the
l_ted drug referred _ in the application;
(C)(i} _ the |isled drug ban only one active ingredient, information submitted
with the app]ica_on Ls insufficient to _how that the active ingredient is the same
as that of the listed drug;
(_|) if the listed drug has more than one ac_ve ingredient, Lnformation
submitted with the applica_on is insufficient to show that 'the active ingredients
sre the same as the active ingredienL_ of the listed drag, or
(ill) if the listed drug has more than one active ingredient and ff the
app|ie_on is for a drug which has an active ingredient different from the listed
drug, Lnformation submitxed with the applica_on m im, ufficient to show_
{D that the other active ingredien_ are the same _ the ac_ve ingredi-
enL_ of ?.he listed d.rug_ or
(_I) that the different active ingredient is an active ingredient of a _ist_i
drug or a drug which does not meet the requirements of section 321(p) of
this _e_
or no pegtion to fi_e an application for the drug with the different ingredient
w_ approved uede_ paragraph (2_C};
(D_i) ff the applic._on is for a drug whose route of administrstion_ dosage
form, or strength of _e drug is the same _ the route of adminisr,rafion, dosage
form, or strength of the listed drug referred to in the application, information
_ubmit_d in the spp_ication is insufficient to show that the _u_ of administra-
. rich, dosage form, or strength is the same _ that of the listed drug, or
fit} if the application is for a drug whose rou_ of tdministza_on, dosage
foera0 or strength ef the drug is different from that of the |L_d drug referred
...... _ in the appliea_on, no petition to file an application for the drug with the
different mute of _immistraago_, dosage form, or _'ength _'_ approved under
paragraph (2RC);
(_) if the applicatiea was fried pursuant to the approv_ of a petit,ion under
paragraph (2_C), the aIRplication did not contaL_ the informa_tioa _quired by the
Secre_a_" respecting the strive ingredient, rou_ of admin_st_o_, d_age form,
or strength wMch is not the same;
(F) Mformat_on submitted h_ the application is insufficient _ show that the
drug is bioequiva]ent to the _ed &'ug referred to L_ the appii_on or, ff the
appiie._fien was filed pu_uant to a petition approved under par_gwph (2Xg)0
hforraation submitted h't _'_e application is insufficient to show that the _tlve
ingredie_ of the new dr_g are of the same pharmacological or therapeutic
class _ those of the iL_ed drug refe_ed tem paragraph (2_A)(i) and that the
new drug can be expected _ have the same _herapeugc effect as the listed drug
when administered _ _tien_ for _ condition uf use r_ferred to in such
112 ( :*_ %,_-,
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